Equality Information |
At The Jane Lane School it is accepted that every person is equally important and that no one has the right to harass, insult, attack, or cause offence to any other person for any reason. All members of the school are individuals, but are also members of a community where it is possible to learn from each other and celebrate the culture and beliefs of each person.
Jane Lane School recognises that there is a duty to promote a culture in which diversity is celebrated and in which discrimination is understood by all members of the community to be completely unacceptable.
This document recognises the principles and responsibilities of institutions as identified in the October 2010 Equalities Act. This document was developed through consultation with a cross section of the school community including students from a variety of backgrounds.
- Have the right to be free from harassment and bullying of any description.
- Be treated fairly and with respect in all interactions with the college.
- Not discriminated against or suffer any unwanted behaviour because of a protected characteristic.
- Have any equal chance to achieve their full potential, irrespective of any defining features that may give rise to discrimination.